RE: pH question
If the subject is kallitype you won't find anything in Dick Steven'
book about sodium citrate as a developer. He did his research quite a
long time ago when the most popular kallitype developers were the
Rochelle salts, Borax and sodium acetate. It was much later that
people begin using for kallitype some of the same developers that
work so well for pt./pd. printing, such as ammonium and sodium
citrate and even potassium oxalate.
Sandy King
At 1:41 PM -0500 3/20/07, EJN Photo wrote:
Bob, I'd go with Don on this. Nadeau recommends that it be kept acid; below
7. He doesn't give a low end. I don't seem to be able to lay my hand on
Stevens Kallitype book right now, but If I do, I let you know. One way to do
it without a reference would be to check it now and again, and track the
changes. When it is at or close to 7 add citric acid to reduce it to 6. Make
a print and see how it looks, then make an additional drop in pH perhaps to
5.5 and see what happens with an additional test print/wedge. I believe it
is just that it likes acid environment, but no need to get it too low.
Eric Neilsen Photography
4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
Skype : ejprinter> -----Original Message-----
From: BOB KISS []
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 12:06 PM
Subject: RE: pH question
-----Original Message-----
From: BOB KISS []
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:17 AM
Subject: pH question
At what pH should I keep my Potassium Citrate developer for
Eric Neilson suggested that I keep my Pot Ox dev at between
5 and
5.5 with small additions of oxalic acid when necessary. I can
add small
amounts of citric acid to my Pot Cit dev but I am hoping to
know what the
best aim pH is for best development.
Thanks in advance...
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