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Re: AIPAD show

Actually there were at least two gum prints that I noticed at AIPAD, but I'm embarrassed to say that I can't remember which artist or whose booth.  (I love AIPAD but after a few hours, fatigue and overstimulation seem to cause my brain to stop working...).  Anyway, these gums were huge (as big as some of those you know what -- big color yadda yadda yadda)  and  pretty monochromatic.  Lovely, really.
A few other observations from the show:  some of the tintypes I saw (including the Jeffrey Becom ones) were on copper,  which is so much more appealing than those crummy aluminum (I think) plates I used to use.  Does anyone know a good source for copper plates and is it a huge nuisance to use them? 
Among the color work, Mona Kuhn was everywhere and I can't figure out her appeal.  But Jen Davis's pictures continue to grab me.
And I loved the little Patti Smith silver prints.
Rita B

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