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Re: smooth gravure tones!

Hey Jon,

Thanks.. that's all very close to what I do anyway, but I'll really
pay attention and see if there's something I can refine.  I also
wonder if it's the ink I'm using, which really feels gritty, like fine
fine sand moving across the plate as I wipe.  (plain old graphic
chemical brand)  I have other inks I'll experiment with.  My thought
is that I need the absolute finest-ground stuff available.  In all the
testing the past few months I've stayed with this one ink for the most
part, trying to keep that variable constant.  (I did once try
different inks and still got measles, so I knew the ink wasn't the


On 5/9/07, Jon Lybrook <jon@terabear.com> wrote:
Hi Susan,

Scratches in the ink, which sounds like what you're describing can be
prevented.  I've found when there's alot of ink on the surface, the
plate is more prone to surface scratches in the ink.

My wiping technique:

1.  Soft tarlatain:  "Grind" ink into plate with a twist of the wrist
going in one direction, then the other.  Not a lot of pressure, mind
you.  The objective here is to gently work ink into the plate.

2.  Phone book pages.  Lift ink off plate using phone book pages in
broad circular motions, growing gradually smaller.

3.  Tissue paper.  Gently even out and smoothen out the ink with cheap
tissue paper.

4.  Optional - palm wipe to lift off any remaining specs or scratches in
the ink.

5. Thoroughly wipe edges, flip over, wipe back, wipe edges again.

Hope that helps!


SusanV wrote:
> Hi Christina, and thanks a lot.  What did you mean about grit???
> Something bugging me is that when I'm wiping the plate I get little
> circles (when i'm wiping in circular motion), of darker streaks.  They
> mostly show up in the darks, and when I wipe over it by hand I feel
> little "gritty" stuff.  Anyone else?
> (see I toldja i'd start in on some other imperfection right away)
> Susan
> On 5/8/07, Christina Z. Anderson <zphoto@montana.net> wrote:
>> Wow, Susan, have you progressed.  Plus your images are beautiful.
>> While you're working on smooth tones, I am working on deep, velvety
>> blacks
>> and grit :)  Out in the sun.  I love it.
>> Makes me want to buy a press and not an Amergraph.
>> Chris
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "SusanV" <susanvoss3@gmail.com>
>> To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 11:58 AM
>> Subject: smooth gravure tones!
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > Ok, I CAN do it.  I can get smooth tones in my gravures!!!!  Happy
>> Dance!
>> >
>> > Go looky here.... www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
>> >
>> > Now THAT'S what I'm talkin about.  Whew.  I'd all but given up.
>> >
>> > Susan
>> >
>> > --
>> > susan
>> > gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
>> > website www.dalyvoss.com
>> >

gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
website www.dalyvoss.com