U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: field seat

Re: field seat

Though not as deluxe as some suggestions, a cheap and light seat can be 
found here:


Jill got me one of these so I could sit quietly during long time 
exposures in old structures where movement (like shifting weight from 
one foot to the other) could cause sagging of floor boards. This one 
will fit inside a tripod case. It might not be tall enough for ground 
glass viewing though.

Hope this helps,

 > On 5/12/07, gumprint@gmail.com <gumprint@gmail.com> wrote:
 > > Does anyone know of a portable/lightweight chair or stool suitable
 > for using
 > > along side a view camera? I spend a long time under that dark cloth
 > and my
 > > back is really starting to revolt; just can't hold a shallow knee bend
 > > anymore.
 > >
 > > Thanks-
 > > Carole
 > >
 > --
