U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Why did Nadeau bug Echague re the Fresson secrets??

RE: Why did Nadeau bug Echague re the Fresson secrets??

<< Please remind me when it was I sent you my print. I have been through
three computers since then and lost a great deal of info. >>


You sent it in 1998 or 1999 (I am trying to read the last digit of the stamp
cancellation but cannot be sure). If you haven't moved since then and still
live on Billet, then I have your current address.

<< I guess Nadeau thought Echague would be a a more promising ''easy touch''
in view of the Fressons reputation for being so protective of their great
grandfather's research which took him approx. seven years before bringing it
to the market at around 1899.
	Echague certainly did not need the money but it seems, Luis felt, he
wanted to find a younger person to carry on with his work. >>

Oh yeah, I must have remembered it incorrectly. It is not that Luis paid the
huge money to Echague but Echague paid a huge amount to Fresson. Something
like that.
