U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Why did Nadeau bug Echague re the Fresson secrets??

Re: Why did Nadeau bug Echague re the Fresson secrets??

Speaking of memory, we knew almost from the start of the list that Nadeau had or said he had the Fresson process. So why didn't he use it? I'm not sure he didn't say it to me, or on line to someone else, or to someone else who told it to me offlist, or maybe even online, or perhaps several or all of the above, but I heard with sufficient detail and the ring of truth (notice I don't name names, but you know who you are) that Nadeau found it too pesky and fiddly to be worth his while to set up... he had more profitable fish to fry.

I also would check the entry (entries) in his encyclopedia, which may also suggest which way the wind blew.... and I wouldn't be surprised if the looong footnote at the end of the P-F Issue #9 article (which I am NOT going to go through again, thank you) has some words on the topic, possibly even names named.

But Chris, if you don't know Nadeau, odds are he'll be nicer to you than if you do.


On Wed, 23 May 2007, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:

Chris, Why dont you ask Luis Nadeau ?
I don't know him....