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Re: Fresson documentary

As I recall you can view that film (in low resolution) at their site for 
free . . . the pyrotechnic photography (nothing at all to do with Fresson) is 
unusual . . . creative . . . unusually creative . . . I really do admire how 
the French enjoy life!


On Thu, 24 May 2007 10:37:40  0200, Kees Brandenburg wrote
> This Fresson talk made me remember having seen (in 1987 or so) a  
> french documentary about the Fresson process. In this film you  
> actually can see their horizontal enlarger in use, but not the  
> coating machine and there are interviews with the Fressons and  
> photographers they work with. They also show step by step the  
> printing of a Bernard Faucon print.
> Le Procédé Fresson, Jean Real, 1986
> I found some info about it in a french documentary database: http:// 
> tinyurl.com/ynkwk2
> Even found a clip and a payed download here: http:// 
> www.rolandcollection.com/home.aspx#D451
> In that same year 1987 I also saw many large fresson prints (by  
> Bernard Faucon, Michel Séméniako, Bernard Plossu) and they where  
> great prints. Later I saw a very ugly small fresson print showed to  
> me by a Dutch Photographer who had to beg and wait many, many years  
> for his print. I think fressons are better when large, but it might  
> also be the special contact between the Fressons and the priviliged  
> lucky ones they work with, that makes the extra touch.
> -kees

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