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Re: Attn All Fresson enthusiasts.A message from Pierre Duncan.

It seems pretty certain that the dusting on method was how Artigue coated papers.

BTW, the Artigue process, which was said to give the velvety like quality you mention, was very popular in in both France and Spain around the turn of the century. In Spain it appears to have been quite a bit more popular than Fresson, though I think it became unavailable much earlier, say just before or after the first war.

Developing procedures were similar to Fresson.

Sandy King

At 8:19 AM -0600 5/27/07, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
Sounds like the dusting on method they used to use back in the late 1800's where they'd put the paper in a box and dust it with powdered pigment through a screen if I remember correctly. One of the things that used to always be said about Artigue paper was its velvety quality and how the surface of the paper was delicate.
PS has anyone tried Creart by Perera?


----- Original Message ----- From: "John Grocott" <john.grocott403@ntlworld.com>
To: "The List" <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 6:36 AM
Subject: Attn All Fresson enthusiasts.A message from Pierre Duncan.

Pierre Duncan ( aka you know who) informs us that because of his intuitive insight into all matters photo alt, we need not discuss, any further, the mysteries of Fresson or Direct Carbon emulsion coating methods as he knows that this is accomplished by silk screening.

I happen to know a subsriber to this list who has regular phone calls from Pierre.

I will thank him, back through the grapevine, for this input as he has the prefix ''Dr.'' to his name, though its not in photography but holistic medicine.

Watch out for more divine messages from above.

John - Photographist - London - UK