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Re: Attn Chris + All Creart enthusiasts.A message from Pierre Duncan.

On Sun, 27 May 2007, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:

Hmmmm....I don't like to judge others' work online much, but...
The internet is really sometimes a pain--either images look way better than
they are in person, or worse.  I know Carl Weese, for instance, "mimics" his
ziatypes for online presentation because there is no way to get an adequate
delicacy of detail online.
AFAIK, all art repro is a lie of one kind or another. I remember when we went to Florence (I think it was) first time in maybe 1963 (or like that) and saw the Fra Angelicos (must have been) in the plaster as it were for the very first time... I was so shocked, devastated actually, to see how washed out and dull they looked. The Fra Angelico's in the Skira books (what we had then) were richly colored, strong and bright.

As far as I know now, I doubt there's any book of art (except maybe one about retouching or an appeal for funds for restoration) doesn't *improve* the originals.
