For your information:-
I think this posting with the link included
sounds like it is from Luis Nadeau = Conservator.
If it is you, nice to see you back ,
I tried the link to the encyclopaedia from 1895,
but all that was available was a brief outline of Woodburytype. No
My copy is 1890. and is more thorough in its working procedures, and
it might be informative to compare the original text with the rehash in this new
book and what Barret Oliver has to say at APIS .
Barret's book will surely be purchased
and added to the libraries of all the universities and colleges with
photography faculties in the World. So you could wait until then if you are
only mildly interested in the Woodburytype/ Stannotype
I wish I could be at APIS but I am afraid it is not
a financially viable proposition for me. But I hope any new information
coming out of the meeting will be shared with the rest of us.
Hope you have a good time, all you
John - Photographist - London - UK