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The Woodburytype and Stannotype Processes

The ''Encyclopaedia of Photography'', by Walter E . Woodbury. Published
1 8 9 0  by Illiffe & Son.  3, St. Bride Street, London E.C.
 This encyclopaedia contains a very concise description and working procedure for the Woodburytype processs,  eleven and half pages, plus a couple more pages on Stannotype, in which a  successful attempt was made to incorporate tin foil in the mould making. The whole process requires industrial levels of expertise to accomplish top quality results.
 I have a copy of the encyclopaedia and if anyone on the List would like to receive this info just let me know, OFF List ,and I will scan the pages and  we  might negotiate mailing. Or you could access the pages through a library.
Hoping Barret Oliver's book does well.
John- Photographist -London - UK.