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Re: Attn Tor re flat drying of w/c paper

Hi John,

I was not particulary successful with your method, as the gelatine got quite messy and didn't seem to dry properly when being in direct contact with the glass. After asking in a nearby art store, I was however suggested trying the following process and I get pretty good results:

Let the paper dry "in air" and ripple all it would like. Then apply a very tiny amount of water to the back side of the paper, just to moist it slightly. I use a simple spray flask for this. Then place the paper with the back side onto a piece of printing felt (a rather thick piece of cloth), then a piece of glass and some heavy books on top of that. The moisture makes the paper flexible again and the ripples are "pressed" out. At the same time, the felt absorbs the moisture in the paper and after several hours, the paper is mostly dry, nice and flat.


John Grocott schrieb:
Tor, After processing you need to allow the paper with the image to dry thoroughly, of course. Then coat the back of the paper with 5% gelatine, The dry gum image is not so delicate. Place the print on the PLEXIGLASS. Lay an interleaving sheet of paper on the print. Then a sheet of thick cardboard. Apply the weight (maybe a heavy book or a couple of house bricks or a five litre bottle of liquid or whatever) and leave until dry. A screw down book press would be the ideal thing to use but they are rare, nowadays. Anyway, you dont really need one.
Look forward to hearing about your trial.
Till later.
John - Photographist - London - UK
Tor wrote
*''Requiring weights to keep the paper down does not sound like a good idea
to me. First of all, at least the gum print surface is very delicate and
easily damaged and I would expect weights, at least on heavier papers,
to leave marks?
