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RE: HP B9180 for digital negatives

I'm not Sandy but I can say that it works perfectly with Pictorico. I
just tested it with POP Palladium (LiPd) so far (using color G255 B010)
and the results were good. The only problem is -> it's hard to load the
sheets into the printer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erich Camerling [mailto:e.camerling@tiscali.nl] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:48 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: HP B9180 for digital negatives

Dear Sandy,

Maybe my provider blocked unintentional an other e-mail from you but I
never saw the results of your tests for smoothness and tonality. Can you
tell me where I can find them ? In a German magazine I found a test
about the B9180.They wrote that the printer makes most noise of all the
tested A3 printers,used most power : 38 watt,but was by far the cheapest
in printing. BUT :THEY COULD NOT PRINT ON FILM !! Every time they tried
to do that it became a mess.They even advised HP to remove the word
(film) from their specifications ! (But they didn't specify what sort of
film it was,maybe it was film for an overhead projector.)What film did
you use for your tests ?
