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Re: negative scanners (OT)

Your tip just gave me a V8 moment!

On 6/30/07, SusanV <susanvoss3@gmail.com> wrote:
Regarding "best plane of focus"... I read somewhere an easy way of
finding this on a flatbed.    Using a stack of business cards or
something similar, fan them out a bit so that each card edge extends
past the others in the stack, then place this on the scanner bed and
scan.  Note the card edge with the sharpest image.  In my case it was
the third card... so the focusing distance is 3 cards high.  Happily
for me, that also happens to be exactly where my Epson stock negative
holder places the neg.


gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com

On 6/28/07, Sandy King <sanking@clemson.edu> wrote:
> For $60 you can buy a fluid mount kit for the Epson 4990, V700 or
> V750. See http://www.betterscanning.com/scanning/mstation.html
> This mounting station provides for adjustment to plane of best focus,
> and fluid mount on the under side of the mounting station. These two
> features together will provide a significant increase in quality of
> scan with the Epson flatbeds.
> Sandy King
> At 12:38 AM -0400 6/28/07, Ryuji Suzuki wrote:
> >
> >In my comparison of V700 and Coolscan scanner (5000 and 9000),
> >V700 delivers just as good resolution for 35mm
> >format. However, 5000 scans faster. Another thing is that
> >V700, like any scanner, is very sensitive to the glass-to-film
> >distance, but Epson ships the scanner with flimsy plastic
> >crap, which is usable, but requires some tests to get full
> >potential performance.
> >
> >

gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com