Re: Ultrafine on the Epson 3800
Sam, I ordered some transparencies from a place Don Bryant had suggested to me. Now I'll have to go back and see what the name of it is-- may be Ultrafine-- but whatever it was, it worked GREAT! In fact, I liked it much better than Pictorico. Not only were they less expensive, but the transparencies themselves seemed to pick up a lot less (really, none at all that I could see) lint or dust-- a problem I consistently have with Pictorico. These transparencies worked so well, and only printed on my 3800. I don't have the package here in front of me, but I'll go look and see what it was I actually used. Maybe Don remembers. Anyway, I'm gonna be buying that from now on, instead of Pictorico. Diana Has anyone successfully printed Ultrafine or similar transparencies on the Epson 3800? I know the 3800 prints great on Pictorico.