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Re: Gum printers in UK (Re: Scott McMahon gum workshop, September

Thanks Hamish. The reason I asked was that it seems so precise. Do you apply pigment over all the image or just locally?


David H

On Aug 24 2007, Hamish Stewart wrote:


This effect is created by printing the green layer with shorter exposure
time than standard so that only shadows and midtones print. A little
judicious work with the spray bottle and a little brushwork does the rest.



On 19/8/07 16:40, "Katharine Thayer" wrote:

> On Aug 19, 2007, at 2:43 AM, davidhatton@totalise.co.uk wrote:
>> He has an image on there of a piece of seaweed lying on the beach.
>> It's really nice.
>> http://www.gumphoto.co.uk/waters_edge.html
>> Question,. How is the green of the seaweed isolated like that in a
>> freeform gumprint..? I have some ideas but I don't want to confess
>> them in case they just happen to be stupid..:)
> David, I have no idea, since I've never worked very much in freeform
> gum, so your guess would be at least as good as mine.
> kt