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Re: Merits and Demerits of Salted vs. VDB

I am far from an expert with salted paper, but I did spend one full summer trying to make good prints. I found it very hard to get good clean highlights because for some reason the process seems very prone to fogging. I know there must be a reason for this, but I did not find it.

By contrast, I have always found it very easy to make nice prints with VDB using ferric ammonium citrate and with kallitype using ferric oxalate.

Sandy King

At 6:06 PM +1000 9/1/07, Ross Chambers wrote:
To the brown folk,

I've made my first VDB prints today.

I've had a few sessions with salted prints, with which I was fairly happy.

The VDB prints were, to my eye, not remarkably different (same paper, same
exposure conditions: the Sun), although I did lose a couple when following a
prescribed selenium toning step (fade to white!)

So, re the header, do experienced practioners of these techniques find
greater merits in one or the other? Do the contrast ranges of the negative
favour one or the other?

Regards - Ross

Ross Chambers
Blue Mountains
New South Wales
