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Re: Gum Negs: CMYK, RGB or "Spot" Colour - the link...!!!

Why these are so successful to me is that you have achieved the FEELING of Venice and stucco in your prints with the way you have used texture and color and development. Gorgeous images. I have GOT to try the "Novo" method of negs now!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Alberto Novo" <alt_list@albertonovo.it>
To: <alt-photo-process-L@usask.ca>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: Gum Negs: CMYK, RGB or "Spot" Colour - the link...!!!

I would add that ten images obtained with this method are in my page inside the Gruppo Namias site. Just click on "authors" from the left side bar and click on "Alberto Novo", and then look the portfolio "Venetian Gums".
What you see are not exact reproductions of the true colours, though the images look "likely". I used this method to give the peception of the colours instead of showing the true ones. For example, the stones of the paving in Venice are made of trachyte, a stone with a warm hue, but most of the Venician, when asked about its colour, say that it is gray.
Also, for enhancing the consistency of the portfolio, I ever used the same pigment for the sky (which is most othe time cerulean instead of blue here).
Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
This is verrrryyy cool. Thanks for sharing the link.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Koch-Schulte" <mkochsch@shaw.ca>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: Gum Negs: CMYK, RGB or "Spot" Colour - the link...!!!
Actually this link works better still...thanks. This is very similar to what
I was thinking. http://www.grupponamias.com/index_en.html?http://www.grupponamias.com/art _101_en.html ~m