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inkjet transfer

On Fri, 7 Sep 2007, henk thijs wrote:

... be careful.... there are transfers from inkjet images, i am messing around with it.
If you print on prepared polyester , prepared with acrylic gloss medium and inkaid, you can transfer -pigment based- ink jet prints onto whatever you want.
You could even made negs on polyester sheets prepared with inkaid ....
Henk, what is Inkaid?

Is the process you describe above in the "Digital Art Studio" book you mention? It's tempting, but I've already got too many digital books that don't give what they promise, so I hesitate. (The authors think the info is on the page, but it's only in their heads -- and the "editors" think it's all voodoo, so stick with spellcheck...if that.)

I do however recall that Jill Enfield had a section on inkjet transfer in her alt process book... Assuming I find it, I'll check... (She was always very clear... perhaps from being an experienced *teacher.*)
