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Re: my first two gum prints

Many thanks to those who said such nice things about my prints.
Even greater thanks to those who offered advice. It is all carefully noted and will be used, if not on these images, on some others.
For those who asked, I'm using the three colors which came in an inexpensive set from Daniel Smith--Hansa Yelow Medium, Perylene Red and French Ultramarine. The screaming yellow in Little Sister is intentional--her stockings were screaming yellow. I failed to get her dress a much brighter green to match the real one. Korean children and many adults wear BRIGHT colors. There is no story behind the image--just a tired little girl at a long public celebration of Budda's birthday. The overly warm look in Adjuma may well be too warm but, again, it is a warm image with the dried vegitation behind. Her purple sweater is not quite purple enough. I'm still working on that image, so I can cool it down and see how it looks.
As to the several suggestions that I print over the image--I just can't do it. My small muscle control and my poor eye-hand coordination make hand registration impossible. I use registration pins and plan all my negatives from the start so I can punch them at one time. The negatives I have show no texture in the hat, so I could reprint forever and not get any. I did try (disaster) a new negative to add some texture to the hat. A closer inspection of the Photoshop image indicates that the texture in the hat, while present, is pretty pale. What I am doing now is adjusting the photoshop image to add the texture to the hat and sleeve, reprinting the negs and now the image. I'll post it when it is done. I don't work as fast as many of you.
Charles Portland Oregon