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Re: my first two gum prints

I'll let Charles explain for himself but it looks like the the little sister piece was taken at a temple in China. In chinese culture and language the term Xiao Jie or little sister can be used to refer to any little girl (Mei Mei is another variation on this theme meaning younger sister). She is behind a group of what appear to be buddhist nuns probably bored out of her mind at some ceremony or dedication like any kid anywhere in the world. The nuns could also be referred to as sisters, hence the title "Little Sister". I could be completely wrong but that is what I read into the title given the image and vice-versa.

And Charles very nice work. I'd be interested in seeing more of the portraits.

zphoto@montana.net wrote:
You should entere the Sister one in shows--what I call a
"portfolio piece". It is a really excellent image. I can't
figure out what is going on there! So funny.