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Re: Silver Gelatin emulsion peeling from Cranes Diploma

Are you using a store bought LIQUID emulsion as in Silverprint or Liquid Light? If so do NOT size or the layer will frill off in flakes, chunks, etc. It needs to sink into the paper to an extent or it will lift. I have never sized with liquid emulsion, but then again I have not used, say, a masa paper or whatnot. But I found that even with a pretty absorbent paper like Arches I have had to REALLY work that emulsion in with the brush to have it not lift and bubble off.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Josh Verduzco" <joshverd@hotmail.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 9:48 AM
Subject: Silver Gelatin emulsion peeling from Cranes Diploma

Hi I've just started work on hand applied silver gelatin emulsion on Cranes Diploma Parchment, I used a corn starch sizer as described in

New Dimensions in Photo Processes: A Step by Step Manual, Third Edition
. When developed, the emulsion peeled right off of the paper. Any thoughts on why this is happening? Is sizing necessary for this particular paper, or is there a better size?

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