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Re: uncurve/curve comparison on Loris' website

On Sep 28, 2007, at 5:30 AM, Loris Medici wrote:

(2) Yes indeed. But since Charles said that the only way of getting
paper white with his printer (R1800) was using all inks grayscale
negatives, I simply trust him. AFAIK, R1800 are not the best in the
domain of UV blocking... That leaves him the only option of reducing the
ES of his coating solutions (where available), which translates to "use
less dichromate" and/or "use more pigment" in gum printing. Since we
already suspect that his pigment concentrations are higher than what is
needed, then using less dichromate looks like a sound advice to me.
Yes, this makes sense to me.  Sorry I confused the issue,