Re: Soho show
- To:
- Subject: Re: Soho show
- From: Sandy King <>
- Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 16:59:38 -0400
- Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
- In-reply-to: <"100220071414.3969.47025253000CA49100000F8122230706129B0A02D2089B9A019C04040A0DBF070B0A9D009F">
- List-id: alt-photo-process mailing list <>
- References: <"100220071414.3969.47025253000CA49100000F8122230706129B0A02D2089B9A019C04040A0DBF070B0A9D009F">
- Reply-to:
You definitely don't want chiggers. Those little fellows tend to
settle on one particular part of my anatomy. Oh well, might as well
say it is the lower balls!! And once they get entrenched there, well,
they are kind of ball busters.
Although I grew up in the south and this region has always been my
home, I never in my life encountered the kind of infestation of
chiggers and ticks that I found in the workshop this year in
Nashville. My wife had to pick those nasty chiggers and ticks off my
body for at least a week after I got back home.
But Peg was great to allow use of her beautiful place, and I figure I
got more of the chiggers and ticks out at Don's farm.
At 2:14 PM +0000 10/2/07, wrote:
catherine, its certanly NOT something to look forward to. they are
actually little red mite larve that live on the ground, on trees,
and in the grass. they migrate to warm blooded critters, people
included, attach to the skin that liquifies the cells then the feed
on the liquid. some people dont even know they have been bitten but
it makes some itch intollerably. down here we just paint them with
clear fingernail polish and keep on truckin'. i think chris got hers
on the nudie shoot we went on. peg
Peg Fredi
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Catherine Rogers <>
Peg and Chris
This question is waaaaay OT, but I need to know - what are chiggers?
The feeling that I got from Chris's post was that chiggers is an illness,
and from Peg (just below), that chiggers is something to look forward to.
many thanks, congratulations, and I hope that the exhibition goes well
best wishes
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: Soho show
> i think you got it all correct!! I do remember you shooting the bones too
with the model. I had so much fun with yall being here and hope we get to do
it again next year and i think we will have a good supply of chiggers too. I
have no idea which photo got into the show. i did submit some of the ones
yall saw and some new ones too. thanks for the nice words, muchly
appreciated. peg
> From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <>
> >
> > I just KNEW that this list would be represented...isn't it interesting
> > at a minimum, 20% of the show is alt listers? And Ken, it would be GREAT
> > you could take pictures there! So happy to hear from a few list lurkers
> > finally, too!
> >
> >
> > That's also (Nashville) where I got a major case of the chiggers. wow.
> >
> > So, to make a very long story short, it is very fun to meet other
> > when traveling as we are a small community.
> > Chris