U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: the grammar of spam

RE: the grammar of spam


A similar, though in some sense, a more excusable scrambling of English,
were those warning labels on Asian electronic goods. The best ones were from
the 1960's. I had an early 60's Sansui receiver with a warning label on the
bottom. I kid you not: "In order to electrocute oneself, place fingers in
wiring." At least it got the message across. I always intended to remove the
bottom plate and frame it but Melody gave it away to our housekeeper before
moving to Santa Fe -- unbeknownst to me. It's probably still enjoying good
use somewhere in SoCal.

Maybe someone will make a collection of those Nigerian scam letters. They
are precious.


-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Seigel [mailto:jseigel@panix.com] 
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 12:54 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: the grammar of spam

I have been mocked (or praised?) on this very list as grammarian, 
(or maybe it was "goddess of between you and me"?), but I 
share this off-topic topic as not entirely frivolous....

AFAIK, no bank or reputable business e-mails customers about anything, let 
alone asks them to "sign in" with their credentials (my husband's bank 
phones if there's a question). But I have never seen any communication 
from a legitimate institution, financial or otherwise, not in proper
business English.

The following, in my queue today, is NOT a joke, as the rest of the pitch 
was obviously serious.  Some people must bite, or they wouldn't bother 
(would they)?  So grammar isn't all snobbery (just the fun part).

Anyway, for the general amusement:

"We've designed our service to ensure that all our customer are
assured and protected. To this notification you are required to
validate your profile to enable us serve you more better. Sign In to
start the validation process."

(next, about my darkroom)
