RE: Pyrocat HD Capacity?
Loris, > Development time for slow and medium-speed films is 40-50 minutes, 70º F. > Whoa 40 to 50 minutes. That's much much longer than I've experienced! > Development time for fast films is 50-60 minutes. > Ditto here. > Dichroic fog may result from extended development of high speed films. > I may have experienced this but haven't tried diluting the developer. I would be interested hearing from anyone that has experience this problem. > If this is a problem in your work use a 1:1: 200 dilution and reduce development to about 30 minutes. ..." > Loris have you tried these times and dilutions? The times listed on unblinking eye work pretty good for starting points for conventional development of roll film. A friend of mine locally has been semi-stand developing TMAX 100 with excellent results. The film scans well and prints well. I'll find out what his times are. My times for sheet film developed in a Unicolor drum run about 16-20 minutes @ 75F using agitation described above by Loris. I think there is a lot of latitude with time and temperature with stand development but not so much with conventional rotary or tank development. Don