RE: Pyrocat HD Capacity?
No, I haven't tried stand or semi-stand development - since I use medium
format film and I guessed it would give un-natural results whith small
formats (when enlarged). I was just pointing to the specific information
Ross needs to read (in the particular article which the link was
provided by Cor) and further investigate in (As I added to
the end of my message.)
BTW, since you're saying you got a friend who's getting good results by
semi-stand developing roll films, I may try it soon.
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Bryant []
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: Pyrocat HD Capacity?
Development time for slow and
medium-speed films is 40-50 minutes, 70º F.
Whoa 40 to 50 minutes. That's much much longer than I've experienced!
Development time for fast
films is 50-60 minutes.
Ditto here.
Dichroic fog may result from extended
development of high speed films.
I may have experienced this but haven't tried diluting the developer. I
would be interested hearing from anyone that has experience this
If this is a problem in your work use a
1:1: 200 dilution and reduce development to about 30 minutes. ..."
Loris have you tried these times and dilutions?
The times listed on unblinking eye work pretty good for starting points
for conventional development of roll film. A friend of mine locally has
been semi-stand developing TMAX 100 with excellent results. The film
scans well and prints well. I'll find out what his times are.
My times for sheet film developed in a Unicolor drum run about 16-20
minutes @ 75F using agitation described above by Loris. I think there is
a lot of latitude with time and temperature with stand development but
not so much with conventional rotary or tank development.