Re: resinotypes
Alberto, mon ami, I could propose a theory that the active members of this List are so exhausted from trying to make gum prints that resinotype may be in their minds for the future when time( the most important requirement) is available.. Further, there may be people who are not inclined to recount their resinotype experiments because they did not achieve good results. Some are reticent to share failures, altho' many gumists are continually doing just this. I often wonder if this helps others rather than allowing couragious ones to make their own ''mistakes'' which could teach them more than reading masses of words on a monitor hoping to find shortcuts to success. Now, the question in my mind is why have you asked this question, ...? ''did anybody try (apart from who I already know...) to make resinotypes? '' I shall be sending my meagre attempts to you, as promised, and look forward to receiving a pristine sample of your own, in due course. Finding resinotype rather daunting because of the resin/pigment preparation is another possible reason. Maybe we shall hear something as time goes by. Many kind regards. John- Photographist - London - UK ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alberto Novo" <> To: <> Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 7:51 PM Subject: resinotypes As the list is so quiet, it is time to ask: did anybody try (apart from who I already know...) to make resinotypes?