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RE: Adobe Photoshop CS3 update

Dave, I have it. Do I use it? Not really, but I have it, so at some point I
will!  I just haven't had time to stay up on all the stuff that is
happening. Lightroom, CS3 Design Suite, etc.  

For those that have not bought LR, Don't! 

Many here are not simply sRGB type users where we are processing RAW file
for quick use, but rather processing RAW and using them in a large format
way. LR is not designed for fine art, but quick use as a RAW to Web/Lab
output. From what I gather, it has great failing in digital asset management
( the ability to log and track your files). 


Eric Neilsen Photography
4101 Commerce Street
Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
Skype ejprinter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Soemarko [mailto:fotodave@dsoemarko.us]
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:15 PM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: RE: Adobe Photoshop CS3 update
> Do most of you guys use CS3 or CS3 Extended? I am wondering if CS3
> Extended
> is worth updating for our use. From the description I can see, it seems
> like
> Extended has more features for vector graphics which might not be that
> important for us.
> Is anyone using Extended?
> Thanks,
> Dave