U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Defining "post-modernism" -- WAS--- First define "post-modern"pho

RE: Defining "post-modernism" -- WAS--- First define "post-modern"photography, dammit

Excuse me for asking, but why do you (and not just you) feel the need to
classify singular humans and their actions, into categories? There may be
inspirational movements, but really without direct words to the effect, "I
was trying to do ... " , it is quite impossible to factually interpret
another's work. And then how much of that was just art speak that was thrust
upon them and now consequently us, by those that just can't interpret on
their own? 

It is really up to the piece and each viewer to arrive at their own answer
as to what it means to them and out side of that it really doesn't matter.
Post modern, pre modern, is all an attempt to bring order to many random and
some times not so random strings of momentary consciousness. This thread is
got to be the biggest reason I stayed away from "art school". 

What we are is soon to be post Bush Bush. I don't know if that is pre tax,
post depression, pre civil war II, post pre Oil Crusades, blah,

Image content. Are we post digital pre intellectual? 

Eric, stuck in pre hell aka Dallas, TX

Eric Neilsen Photography
4101 Commerce Street
Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
Skype ejprinter

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Katharine Thayer [mailto:kthayer@pacifier.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:18 AM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: Re: Defining "post-modernism" -- WAS--- First define "post-
> modern" photography, dammit
> Interesting; the post quoted below also seems to combine
> poststructuralism and postmodernism 
> >>
> >> There are some who are saying we're now post-postmodern....but
> >> THAT'S another can of worms!
> >>
> >> I'll stop here
> >> Chris
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >