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Re: Bleach-development with gum

I don't know, but that sounds good; definitely worth to try. (Not on this
particular print -> will make another -> I'm afraid of ruining a good print
again!) BTW, I usually make a polyurethane final coating - if I need shine
and/or better dmax and dynamic range.

Thanks for the suggestion.


On 12/5/07 3:30 PM, "sam wang" <stwang@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> Loris,
> How about a finishing coat of just gum over the print. Would that work?
> Sam
> On Dec 5, 2007, at 5:58 AM, Loris Medici wrote:
>> Thanks Marek. And thanks again for adding another nice / useful
>> method to my
>> arsenal.
>> I wish the prints kept their nice gum shine - but they don't
>> unfortunately.
>> Best regards,
>> Loris.
>> On 12/5/07 3:35 AM, "Marek Matusz" <marekmatusz@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Loris,
>>> I like that portrait a lot. It has this hand made feel that I find so
>>> attractive about gum, but has a lot of middle gray gradation that
>>> bleach
>>> development can accomplish.
>>> Marek
>>>> Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 01:09:07 +0200
>>>> From: mail@loris.medici.name
>>>> Subject: Re: Bleach-development with gum
>>>> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
>>>> This is my best so far (after six test prints - including this one):
>>>> http://www.loris.medici.name/gum/bleach_2.jpg