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Réf. : Sury

Tank you Chris and Yves Gauvreau  for the text on Joseph Sury
-------Message original-------
Date : 30/12/2007 16:13:16
Sujet : Sury
Good morning all!
Philippe responded offlist with the following information, feeling his
translation skills might not be appropriate for the list. He gave me
permission to translate for him, and then even had a friend translate as
He actually knew John Sury, the son of Joseph Sury, very well, who told him
all the history about his father.  Joseph was a photographer in Belgium.
Philippe possesses several of his patents, and has written a book on Sury's
color process--in other words, he is "the man" to go to about Sury, as well
as he has much documentation on this process from that era.
He sent me a jpg of one of Sury's gum prints he has in his possession--in
fact, he says he has about a dozen of them.  It was quite beautiful, a
romantic portrait of a woman with the background all uniformly toned, the
head shot nicely fashioned, all in a sort of sepia or maybe more yellow
colored brown--raw umber maybe? It made me definitely want to try his
heavily pigmented dry method.
Right now he is devoting all his time to carbon, though-arrrrgggghhhh,
another one wooed away by the carbon process :)
PS apparently all list members are having fun on holiday while SOME of us
are working morning and night (well, actually at least mid day I get to play
in the sun)....
PPS Any listees going to the Tampa PPA? I got a free pass to go so I'm
PPPS I am giving a talk on my Love Comic gums (True Romance--Gendered
Stereotypes in the Love Comics) at the Visual Ethics 3 day conference at the
U of Florida in St. Petersburg on Jan 12 if anyone is in the area, too. I
guess I won't be the only altee talk there--someone is lecturing about
Parke-Harrison. Keynote presenter is Jay Maisel, too.
Christina Z. Anderson
Assistant Professor
Photo Option Coordinator
Montana State University
Box 173350
Bozeman, MT  59717
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  • References:
    • Sury
      • From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>