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Re: Fresson question

Sandy, thanks -- I should have figured that out. What threw me off is that I have a transparency densitometer, and when I needed reflective readings did them through the paper & subtracted the paper density. I suppose that's not perfectly accurate (ha ha), but for the purpose it worked -- after all, the error, whatever it was, was a constant ! (And I only had room for one densitometer -- in a closet with 3 other "appliances.")

So anyway, I forgot about "reflective" as a different category... (The rule being, if you don't use knowledge, the efficient mind removes it to make room for something else.)



On Sun, 13 Jan 2008, Sandy King wrote:

Reflective D-Max is just a term that describes the darkness of a print as measured with a densitometer, so it is expressed as a log value. Pt./Pd., kallitype and vandyke prints on art papers generally have a maximum Dmax of about log 1.45 - 1.55. Silver prints on glossy papers can have a Dmax of up to log 2.2 or even higher. A direct carbon print like a Fresson print will have a maximum Dmax of below log 1.4. Carbon transfer prints can have a reflective Dmax as high as silver papers, though this depends on many working conditions.

Reflective D-Max is a technical description and does not make any implication about aesthetic quality, though many pursue it for its own sake as they do detail and sharpness.
