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Re: facial tanners for UV light?

Hi Gregg !

So nice to meet you again on this list !
[sorry for adding a very personal issue but, for those who are not familiar with the magics of tiny holes, I must say that Gregg and I were belonging to this incredible international team of mad pinholists who invented and founded the WPPD, Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, now a major annual event. That was ... 7 years ago (2001). And Diana Bloomfield, so active on our alt process list, was also one of these crazy pinholists ! And last year, as a curator of a major International Camera Obscura exhibit in Besançon (France), I had the luck to hang wonderful colour pinholes prints from Gregg...

Now back to the subject : Gregg, I really encourage you to use this kind of facial tanners which you may find at low prices on e-bay ; it will be very useful for you as a starter equipment (cheap, constant, easy to use, lightweight, transportable and adapted for small formats as 8x 10 or A4 if you have a printing frame for these formats).
Later, when you really get addicted to alt processes, you will probably wish to buy (so expensive !) or to buil your own UV Light bank. That's exactly what I'm doing now, building a new UV source with 8 x 24 " tubes (plans inspired from various ressources :

http://www.eepjon.com/Ubldit.htm and http://www.eepjon.com/faquv.htm Some tiime ago, you could find on this site an excellent description with plans and cutting list but it seems that Jon Edwards has now suppressed these pages. So, if you are interested , Gregg, just tell me off-list and I'll send you these documents.

And, as usual, my reference to Judy's unique World Journal of Post-Factory Photography where I found a great variety of designs and ideas for building (#6).

I bought my own "facial tanner" on e-bay 4 years ago and still use it with a lot of satisfaction for cyanotypes, argyrotypes and gum. Though, never tried to tan my face ;-). The model is :
"Original Philips UVA" Uv type 3 with 4 x tubes Philips TL 29D 16 / 09 N

Hope it helps,
Cheers from france,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gregg Kemp" <gregg@roanokesound.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: facial tanners for UV light?

Thanks John.  Nice piece of work.

- Gregg

On Mar 2, 2008, at 11:28 AM, john@johnbrewerphotography.com wrote:

Hi Greg

This is what I use. http://www.johnbrewerphotography.com/UVunit.pdf

Hope that helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gregg Kemp [mailto:gregg@roanokesound.com]
Sent: 02 March 2008 15:54
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: facial tanners for UV light?

I have seen some low-end models for around $100.00 new and going for
around $50 on ebay.  These are all four 15w bulbs.

- Gregg