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RE: LC-1 developer question

Oh, I somehow missed that. I was working out of town last week and was
reading the posts from the list very quickly.

Hope David will find the problem soon and let us know too.  :-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryuji Suzuki [mailto:rs@silvergrain.org] 
> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 11:18 AM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: Re: LC-1 developer question
> I think he could dissolve all his (double strength) Metol at 
> first but he saw Metol to crystalize days after. Changing the 
> order of dissolution won't solve this problem.
> --
> Ryuji Suzuki
> "Make something religious and people don't have to deal with 
> it, they can say it's irrelevant." (Bob Dylan, Biograph booklet, 1985)