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RE: A few gum things

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, john@johnbrewerphotography.com wrote:

Hi Judy

My first ever gum print, (1996?), was made using Gloy gum, (not to be
confused with Gloy paste), a one coat gum and on unsized cheap paper -
http://www.johnbrewerphotography.com/portfolio/People/23.html, how's that
for luck! I think that Gloy gum now is a different recipe to the original
stuff I used, but it got me hooked on gum printing. The gloy gum method was
from 'Spirit of Salts' by Webb and Reed, (not the best book in the world),
Actually, I like that book -- I like the tone: casual and chatty, like easy does it, try this... Considering also that it was done before the Internet made everybody experts, and (if memory serves) no stupid mistakes,.. pretty good !


and was partly serialised in Amateur Photographer which was where I
initially read it. 'Spirit of Salts' was published under the title of
'Alternative Photographic Process' in the US.
