Platinum over Gold Leaf at AIPAD
Just a heads up that the John Cleary Gallery booth at AIPAD will have a selection of my platinum/palladium over gold leaf prints for anyone interested. AIPAD runs from Thursday, April 10, to Sunday, April 14 in NYC. For those who don't know, John Cleary died in early February of 2008. John was one of the good guys in the photo gallery business, honest, no nonsense, and willing to look at new artists' work. Hi was an icon in the world of collectors and photography practitioners alike. Talk to anyone who knew John and before long the term "honorable" will come up; his respected ethics were as much a part of his being as his love for the medium. If you visited his gallery in Houston, you may have noticed the “HONK IF YOU LOVE STEIGLITZ!” bumper sticker on the side of his bookcase. John will be missed. His gallery in Houston continues under the proper guidance of Catherine Couturier. Dan