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Re: reallly cheap brown bottles


Yes, some are not to be exposed to light. The sensitizer for Carbon printing 
for example. I use the glass bottles for storing chemicals for Cyanotype, 
VDB, Pyrocat, Potassium Ferrocyanide, etc. Probably not necessary in all 
cases but you can get them in small sizes. Like you, I like the look. I end 
up with a lot of 4 to 8 ounce bottles for low use chemicals.

Real alchemists use glass (:-).


On Sunday 27 April 2008 07:33, Bogdan Karasek wrote:
> HI,
> Is there a technical reason for wanting to use brown glass bottles to
> store chemical solutions?  Are there certain solutions that will change
> if exposed to light?  Why not use brown plastic bottles  designed for
> chemical storage.
> I love the brown bottles.  Makes me think that my darkroom is an
> alchemist's laboratory ;)
> Cheers,
> Bogdan