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Re: another good yellow for gum

As one whose early commitment to photography was motivated in part at least
by a desire escape from a breast fed baby's arsenal, I am not sure this
yellow is for me.
Don Sweet

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>
To: "Alt List" <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 2:31 AM
Subject: another good yellow for gum

> So first it was the nacho cheese yellow--PY 110 or PY 139 that I reported
> back a week or so ago.
> Now I want to talk about another yellow--when I first mixed it up in my
> standard stock mix of 1 tube pigment to 45ml gum arabic, I thought this
> yellow would never do.  It is breastfed baby poop yellow--very browny
> YUK.  So I put it on the back shelf and did not use it.  But I ran out of
> the yellow I normally use and decided to use it and when mixed in a gum
> layer it is a beautiful yellow, very transparent, leans towards a warm
> if that is possible.  It is Daniel Smith Nickel Azo Yellow PY150 or Winsor
> Newton Transparent Yellow or Schmincke Translucent Yellow.  Another yellow
> for one's arsenal that at first glance goes way beyond what it looks like
> might do.
> Chris