Good to know it is your yellow of choice Marek.
Btw my stock solution is then diluted with gum a couple
times at time of use so I may come close to your 1 tube/250ml gum..
I am surprised it goes well with indanthrone--I have a
tube of that so I just must give it a try!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:41 PM
Subject: RE: another good yellow for
Chris and all PY 150, Daniel SMith brand has been my yellow
of choice for about a year or two now. It is very permenent and very
transparent. Mixes beautiful greens with a number of blues including
indantrone (I frequently use it as a blue with a "punch"). It seems to
be much stronger (maybe the correct word is intense) then other yellows. I use
it at half strength as compared to magenta and cyan. One tube mixed with 250
ccof gum. A tube of that yellow goes a long way. While in masstone it looks
brownish, but it dilutes to a very clean yellow. Marek
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 08:31:56 -0600 > From: >
Subject: another good yellow for gum > To: > > So first it was the nacho cheese
yellow--PY 110 or PY 139 that I reported > back a week or so
ago. > > Now I want to talk about another yellow--when I first
mixed it up in my > standard stock mix of 1 tube pigment to 45ml gum
arabic, I thought this > yellow would never do. It is breastfed baby
poop yellow--very browny greeny > YUK. So I put it on the back shelf
and did not use it. But I ran out of > the yellow I normally use and
decided to use it and when mixed in a gum > layer it is a beautiful
yellow, very transparent, leans towards a warm green > if that is
possible. It is Daniel Smith Nickel Azo Yellow PY150 or Winsor > Newton
Transparent Yellow or Schmincke Translucent Yellow. Another yellow >
for one's arsenal that at first glance goes way beyond what it looks like it
> might do. > Chris > >
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