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Re: Gum Bichromate Workshop in Philadelphia

 List Denizens,

Sorry about this stupid post to the list. I am sending Tsuyoshi some film, and I must have just chosen to reply to one of his Alt-list posts. Again, my apologies.


On Aug 5, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Clay Harmon wrote:

I sent your film today. You should get it toward the end of the week. The fedex tracking number is 130305110000095

A couple of things. I have consolidated 4 of the tmax boxes (10 sheets per box) into 2. I marked them so you will know which box contains 20 sheets. The foil wrappers have not been opened on these. I just wanted to cut down on the bulk of shipping these. I also noticed that one of the Photowarehouse boxes may have been opened. I am pretty sure it has not had any sheets removed, but just in case, I have thrown in two boxes of HP-5 (one opened and one unopened) and one box of FP-4 that is actually in a Kodak Tri-X box. So you are getting maybe 60-75 extra sheets of film. All of it has been frozen since its purchase.

On Aug 2, 2008, at 2:00 PM, Tsuyoshi Ito wrote:


We are inviting Scott McMahon to run a Gum Bichromate workshop on August 9&10 at our studio in Philadelphia, PA. There are some more seats left for the workshop.

Scott has been working with gum since he learned from Sarah Van Kuren at University of Arts, and it is one of his primary ways of creating final prints. He approaches gum like painting in a free style and keeps everything simple and yet creative.


Also we posted an interview with him about his working method and creative process as a part of articles for Featured Photographers at Basho.


If you are interested or have suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

Tsuyoshi Ito
1305 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19122