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RE: Richard circular print washer

Thanks Bob and all who replied! 




From: Robert W. Schramm [mailto:schrammrus@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 9:55 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: Richard circular print washer



My cicular print washer is also in storage but I seem to remember that I put the
prints in face down because they tend to float to the top. Therefore  the emulsion side is
has water flowing past it or at least more than if they were face up. Does that make any sense?

Bob Schramm

Check out my web page at: http://www.SchrammStudio.com

> Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 18:19:39 -0400
> From: bobkiss@caribsurf.com
> Subject: Richard circular print washer
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
>             Yes, yes, I have a good archival print washer but I dug out and
> set up my old Richard Circular Print Washer from my ol’ studio in NYC.  I
> seem to recall that the instructions said that the prints should be washed
> face down.  Does anyone have the instruction manual and know for CERTAIN
> which way the prints should lie in the wash water?
>                         CHEERS!
>                                     BOB
>  Please check my website: http://www.bobkiss.com/
> "Live as if you are going to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you are going to
> live forever".  Mahatma Gandhi

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