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Re: A good range of gum colors

Interesting, Marek, thanks for report. (A slight nitpick: I assume you mean PB 15, thalo, not PB25.) I'll try that combination too.

On Sep 4, 2008, at 7:46 PM, Marek Matusz wrote:

I am back with Vista 64 and Photoshop installed. Works like a kitten on steroids. With all that memory it never hesitates. I am having some legacy hardware issues, so I might have to keep two computers for a while.
I am ready to post some color triads for tricolor gum. My new colors (PR 175 and PBr 25) came and I have been making swatches and just mixing them on paper. The Pb 25 (thalo blue), PY 150(nickel azo yellow) and PR175(deep scarlet) give a very nice neutral, but there is no way to have purples or violets mixed in that triad. Yet a very nice greens, oranges, earth and reds. I will definitely try that combination.

> Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 08:48:11 -0600
> From: zphoto@montana.net
> Subject: A good range of gum colors
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Dear all,
> OK, fall is here, September has begun, and it's time for all of us to quit
> the summer fun stuff and get back to work!
> I thought I'd post a page of all the gum colors I use here to jump start the
> list from its summertime blues:
> http://christinazanderson.com/Text_page.cfm?pID=2076
> I usually teach tricolor using a PV19 magenta, a thalo blue, and an azo
> yellow, but students often wish they could have experimented with more color
> choices so I made these charts of the colors I switch around in. When I get
> more time to scan I can perhaps put a print next to different swatches so
> one can see the combinations in practice. It's not really like switching
> around in colors is going to make a great gum print or anything, in other
> words it is not a magic bullet, but it is so much fun! My latest favorite
> is a combo of PB60 Schmincke delft blue, PR179 Daniel Smith Perylene Maroon
> and PY153 Daniel Smith New Gamboge.
> Chris
> __________________
> Christina Z. Anderson
> http://christinaZanderson.com/
> __________________

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