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Re: Was Re: question on sizing, now fish eyes

Ohhhh yeah, Laura, I'll take a digipic the next time it happens and post it. GOOD idea.

Christina Z. Anderson
----- Original Message ----- From: "Laura Valentino" <laura@this.is>
To: "Alt Photo Process" <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: Was Re: question on sizing, now fish eyes

Does anyone have a scan of this "fisheye" effect they could share? A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a "bubbling" with payne's gray, so I also wondered if it was something related to the pigment. Or it could've been because it was a different brand of paint, because that was the only variable that changed from the other colors I was trying. I washed the layer all away (after learning here I could do that) so I can't share the effect I got.


zphoto@montana.net wrote:

Also, because I get it consistently with magenta and not
yellow I think it must have some relation with the coating
but maybe not the gum, maybe the pigment or who knows.  I'll
watch it for a while and see if I can determine any other
factor that might play into it.