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Re: Gum over Platinum print

  • To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
  • Subject: Re: Gum over Platinum print
  • From: Judy Seigel <jseigel@panix.com>
  • Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 00:20:17 -0400 (EDT)
  • Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
  • Delivered-to: alt-photo-process-l-archive@www.usask.ca
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  • List-id: alt-photo-process mailing list <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
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  • Reply-to: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca

On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, C.Breukel@lumc.nl wrote:

Since the list is in a image sharing mode (which is great, I love to see the work of others!) I would like to share a first result (it is still work in progress) of my regretfully infrequent alt printing adventures:

You can find it at: http://home.casema.nl/cordieuwke/GumOverPlatinum.html
Oh drat... getting Henk's site on the 2nd try led me to imagine I could get another, but it wasn't to be... Here's the message the dread machine sent:

404 File not Found

The requested document can't be found.
Possible causes for this error:

* the link you followed points to a page that doesn't exist (anymore)
* you haven't made your homepage yet
* you made a typo in the link you used
* you're mixing upper- and lower cases

I don't think I made a typo because I copied your URL on the clipbaord, Cor. I tried again making it all lower case. No help. Any suggestions??? (I do really want to see it-- I mean short of swimming over. : ((((

The details, for those interested:

I started out with a Kodak Infrared negative (35mm). It was made during our trip in May to Turkey. This one is from the wonderfull area of Cappadocia, near the town Neveshir (Judy: the girl running towards me on the image is my daughter, one of the twins..).

I made enlarged negatives from it by revearsal a la Liam Lawless (I still work completely analogue..perhaps I am as we say in dutch "De laatste der Mohikanen"..leave the translation to you..;-).... I made several negatives with different Dmax densities by altering the flash time.
The last of the Mohicans? (I think now that's a NYC telephone exchange.)

And, lest we forget, we're worshipping a form of printing they did for at least 60 years without electricity. One of my old Photo Miniature magazines (about 1904), says (in a how-to article), "If you have electricity, do.... thus and so..."

That was a jolt... I mean, so easy to forget...

BTW, Cor, score on the color test may well be beside the point. It's my understanding that stunning works in color have been done by the virtually color blind.

Best to you, too...


My idea was to print a high contrast image with platinum, and than fill in with gum to lower the contrast and to add colour (with a low contrast negative).

The paper I used is Canson Fonteney, smooth side, pre-shrunk but not sized (I hate sizing, and I know that this paper can take a few gum layers without staining).

Only one gum coat is there: a weak Burnt Sienna.

And know I have to think what next, keep it as such, or add some other colour (I am primairly a B&W person, scored a meager 37 on the colour IQ test..;-)..)

Still have a few high contrast PT prints that need filling in, I am thinking about yellow..

