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Paper negatives (Re: Tricolor gum, order of layers)

Hmm, it's often so hard to know whether we're meaning the same thing
by the same words.

I wouldn't call the Epson Presentation Paper a "special photo paper"
in fact I suspect that's why they renamed it to "Presentation Paper
Matte" because the name "Photo Quality Inkjet Paper " suggested more
of a photo paper than it really is. In substance it's more like a
coated typing or photocopy paper than anything else. Here's an
oiled negative made on this paper compared with an oiled negative
made on a different paper that I tried and rejected, when I thought
my old favorite had been discontinued (not realizing it was still
available under the new name). Second graphic on the page.


These are printed with color inks.


On Oct 2, 2008, at 3:25 PM, Loris Medici wrote:

Yes, composite grayscale is exactly grayscale including color inks.
my printer that means: back + light gray + some (very little I
color ink...

Probably oiling would mask some of the paper texture... I noticed
that the
paper you mention is a special photo paper. If I'm not mistaking, the
printers lay much more ink and use a much denser dithering
algorithm with
those "photo" papers. Instead, I use a special type of plain paper
is quite translucent - and less textured / but there's still some
- compared to ordinary plain paper) and I print using the plain paper
profile provided in the printer driver (which lays much less ink
and uses
a more visible / relaxed dithering pattern), and I think that's the
difference leading to my pointillistic result which you haven't

Hope this helps,

1 Ekim 2008, Çarşamba, 12:13 am tarihinde, Katharine Thayer

Hi Loris,
Aaah, I get it now.  You erased and reprinted the cyan layer.
Thanks, and sorry for being so dense.

Hmm,  that's very interesting about the pointillism; by "composite
grayscale" you mean greyscale printed with color inks, I assume.
That's how I've always printed my paper negatives, and I haven't ever
got that effect, except for the one time I mentioned when I used
pencil to make changes on the paper negative.  I wonder what the
difference is, whether it's oiled or not, or maybe the kind of
paper?  The paper that's always worked best for me has been Epson
Photo Quality Inkjet Paper, (now called  Presentation Paper Matte --
same stock number, different name), oiled.  I used to use mineral
oil, til Keith suggested baby oil and I switched over.  Well, it
doesn't matter, I'm just curious ; I like to try to understand things
that aren't immediately obvious to me.

You're most welcome, glad to offer what help  I can, although
ultimately it's gum that teaches its requirements and principles to
those who are willing to learn from it; all I can do is point in a
general direction.