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Re: Art Boards Gesso???

There are also commercial offset inks which are now often soy based.
It is true that European inks have for centuries been linseed based.
Old prints will sometimes show a browning on the back behind the
image, stronger where the ink is darkest - as in the blacks of an
intaglio. This would correspond to where the oil was most plentiful.
The papers of those eras have remained strong in spite of that
discoloration. It is curious that it seems to be more on the back than
front on old prints I have. I wonder if it is more of an indication of
interaction between the inked paper and the paper or board that was
behind it.


On 10/6/08, Keith Gerling <keith.gerling@gmail.com> wrote:
> My understanding is that lithography/etching and other printing inks
>  are also linseed oil, and since they have been used for centuries on
>  paper, I doubt that there is much call for concern.  I'm certainly no
>  expert.
>  2008/10/6 Loris Medici <mail@loris.medici.name>:
> > That would be great -> even greater if it proves to be useful. I would
>  > definitely order from them! Yes, I agree about usual acrylic gesso
>  > rejecting gum -> I had the same experience, that's why I'm looking for
>  > something else. The best working acrylic gesso was Daler Rowney System 3
>  > gesso (w/ calcium carbonate addition) but it wasn't as good as I wanted it
>  > to be...
>  >
>  > I have used oil paint (albeit quite thick consistency). What oil is used
>  > in lithography ink? AFAIK, linseed oil in usual oil paints is harmful to
>  > paper fibers (due to acids?)
>  >
>  > Regards,
>  > Loris.
>  >
>  >
>  > 6 Ekim 2008, Pazartesi, 5:12 pm tarihinde, Keith Gerling yazmış:
>  >> I haven't used this particular product, but I am interested in trying
>  >> it.  I am especially drawn by this statement: "Its balance is
>  >> carefully formulated to have more refined dry solids and less acrylic
>  >> polymers. "  Most acrylic gessoes produces a "plasticky" finish that
>  >> rejects gum emulsion.  Adding additional marble powder to other
>  >> gessoes has resulted in flaking and peeling.
>  >>
>  >> Loris, are you using lithography ink or oil paint?  The stiff ink that
>  >> is used in print work should not cause oil stains (at least I have
>  >> never seen this).
>  >>
>  >> I am attempting to print some large oilprints on aluminum.  For me,
>  >> the rigid surface makes the oiling process far easier.  Mistakes can
>  >> be "erased" with mineral spirits.
>  >>
>  >> On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 3:56 AM, Loris Medici <mail@loris.medici.name>
>  >> wrote:
>  >>> I found a product which sounds interesting for those who want to print
>  >>> gum
>  >>> on impermeable and/or rigid surfaces like Yupo, aluminum sheets, wooden
>  >>> painting boards ect. ect... This product is also interesing for gumoil,
>  >>> since gumoil is done with oil paints on paper -> which is not a good
>  >>> combination for those who like / want longevity with their works. If I
>  >>> can
>  >>> print on wood I want to try gumoils. (Have tried with paper, got
>  >>> interesting / promising results but didn't like the oil stain on the
>  >>> back
>  >>> of the paper at all!)
>  >>>
>  >>> See the product page here: http://tinyurl.com/3s3w9e (read to bottom)
>  >>>
>  >>> Has anyone used this (or any similar) product before? I'm still highly
>  >>> interested in printing on impermeable media like Yupo or aluminum sheets
>  >>> -
>  >>>  giving me five important advantages: 1. cheaper price (Fabriano
>  >>> Artistico
>  >>> is quite expensive to me compared to Yupo or aluminum sheets), 2.
>  >>> dimensional stability (no shrinking step / no registration problems), 3.
>  >>> quick drying (faster working), 4. easier reusability in case of bummers
>  >>> (you can be harsh while erasing with Yupo / aluminum and such), 5.
>  >>> better
>  >>> longevity compared to paper - but haven't found a reliable / easy to me
>  >>> method. Keith, I envy your ability and patience in printing on aluminum!
>  >>>
>  >>> Any suggestions for / experience with similar products?
>  >>>
>  >>> Thanks in advance,
>  >>> Loris.
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >