Hi Marek
Do you add each layer on a different day?. Does that
mean 5 or more magenta nights in a row, or do you cycle though the
colours? Too many straight cyan nights for example might be bad for
one's equilibrium.
Also I guess your system of work means each layer of a
given colour is exactly the same. I should perhaps acknowledge that my own
colour IQ on the recent test was quite spectacular in some parts of the spectrum
- I achieved virtual skyscrapers for
my blue/green discrimination.
Don Sweet
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 2:07
Subject: RE: Stock Paint:Gum
Loris, I found that using stock solutions is the way to go
to get consistency. As Chris noted modern organic pigments do not separate and
stay suspended in gum solutions forever, just a little shake and you are ready
to go. My thalo blue stock is 15 ml tube (Daniel Smith) to 150 cc of gum.
Magenta, which is quinacridone rose (PV19) is 1 tube to 120 cc of gum, my
standard yellow now is PY150 and it is 1 tube to 300 cc of gum. I have to say
I did not use PY151 that you mention and Daniel Smith does not carry it. Most
of other colors that I use require about 150cc of gum for proper balance.
ANother color that is very strong is PR254 (Ferrari red), I have a stock of 1
tube to 300 cc. If you do not want to mix that much stock you can mix it with
150 and at 1 part of gum for printing. I add 0.3 to 0.5 part of
saturated ammonium dichromate to 1 part of gum/pigment. I found no compelling
reason to add more and then wash it down the sink. I add 1 part of water for 1
part of gum. This dictates the thickness of gum in a finished
print and would change somewhat depending on paper absorbency. Lastly, I
measure my gum solution and pour the exact amount for a given negative size,
for eample 8.5x11 requires 3cc of sensitizer for my paper (Fabriano
Artistico). If you have 10 prints to do just mix a batch and measure a
predetermined amount for each print. My workflow is to do a single colour is a
session, which is 2-3 hours and allows for 8 to 12 prints. So tonight is
magenta night. You do have very similar cyan and magents dilutions and as I
noted I did not ever use your yellow. I seems that your concentrations would
be about 2x as much as I use and that would give you very strong and saturated
prints, somewhat difficult to balance midtones, higlight and shadows in my
opinion. AT these concentrations I run into some stain issued. I prefer to
work in somewhat weaker layers and add pggment in more then 3 layers, on the
average say about 5. You can always improve a prints that is too light with
another layer or two or three. You are a fast learner and progressing
well. Marek
> Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 08:13:39 -0600 > From:
zphoto@montana.net > Subject: Re: Stock Paint:Gum Solutions? > To:
alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca > > OK this is it--one last email
before I get on the road. Have to teach a gum > workshop in Missoula MT
200 mi away and I have to have my hubby drive me > there because I
can't drive with a knee brace. He has to sit in a town for > two days
entertaining himself so you can imagine he's one happy camper. >
> I mix all pigments 15ml tube in a total volume of 60ml because that
is the > size nalgene bottles I have. > > At time of use I
cut my pigments with plain gum--thalo gets cut as much as > 1+5, yellow
maybe 1+2, magenta maybe 1+3, depending. > > Stock solutions are
a cinch to use, and I only have problems with the heavy > pigments
which settle and separate into a sludge on the bottom--nickel >
titanate, cerulean, cadmiums. Since I no longer use these colors, mixing
> stock is not a problem for me as far as separation is
concerned. > > I think your thalo may be too concentrated, but I
notice a progression of > yellow-magenta-thalo which I also do as far
as strength. > > One more thing--at time of use I may decide to
do an undersaturated print, > too, in which case I cut all pigments way
more. > > There are several list members who have this down to a
real > exactitude--Marek, Dave Rose used to, and they'll tell you
exactly how much. > OH, you could do a search for Dave Rose's posts a
few years back but he did > use powdered pigment. > Chris >
__________________ > > Christina Z. Anderson >
http://christinaZanderson.com/ > __________________ > -----
Original Message ----- > From: "Loris Medici"
<mail@loris.medici.name> > To:
<alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca> > Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008
7:56 AM > Subject: Stock Paint:Gum Solutions? > > >
>I was reading handprint.com's "The Secret of Glowing Color" page,
which > > contains very good and interesting information, especially
in the section > > "Not Black, Not Light". > >
(http://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/tech16.html) > > > > I
slowly feel the need of making stock paint:gum solutions, in order to >
> get more consistency and ease of use. Mixing small amounts of
paint:gum > > solutions is hard to do consistently, especially with
strong colorants and > > small image sizes. (Because squeezing small
amnt. from the tube is not > > easy!) > > > > I
decided to make stock solutions as listed below: > > > >
Yellow PY151 1:2 (1:4 final) -> 15ml paint + 30ml gum > > Magenta
PV19 1:3 (1:6 final) -> 15ml paint + 45ml gum > > Cyan PB15:3 1:4
(1:8 final) -> 15ml paint + 60ml gum > > > > Since the
stock paint:gum is further diluted 1:1 with dichromate, the > >
actual paint dilution in the coating solution will be exactly the half
of > > what it is in the paint:gum solution. (See inside
parenthesis.) > > > > This question goes to users of stock
paint:gum solutions (such as > > Katharine and Christina): >
> > > Do you find above figures close to ideal? What is your
experience with > > those pigments? Anything to pay attention / be
careful about using > > paint:gum stock solutions? >
> > > Thanks in advance, > > Loris. > > >
> > >
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