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Re: 3 questions (one of them dumb)

From: Diana Bloomfield <dhbloomfield@bellsouth.net>
Subject: Re: 3 questions (one of them dumb)
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 00:16:07 -0500

> Although the print was wonderful, I was very surprised to
> see that a c-print was considered "alternative."

I think that the notion that the means of registering or
forming an image can make any meaningful difference in the
value of the work as the final product already belongs to a
minority in photography.

In terms of "alternative" I tend to avoid that term because
its use is subject to rather subjective judgment of the author.

Ryuji Suzuki
"People seldom do what they believe in.  They do what is convenient,
then repent." (Bob Dylan, Brownsville Girl, 1986)