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RE: pt/pd question on size of prints

90% of mine are 8x10 images on 11x14 paper.  Sometimes I also print two side by side 8x10's on a 16x20 sheet.

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> Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 08:25:02 -0800
> From: viapiano@pacbell.net
> Subject: pt/pd question on size of prints
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Hi all...
> Just sitting here wondering what each of you do for size of print/paper when
> making prints.
> Do you print, say, a 5x7 on 11x14 paper, and then mount that for a finished
> print, or do you print on a smaller sheet and then mount that smaller sheet
> for presentation in some way.
> I've noticed that Jan Pietrzak, at his last Freestyle Photo show, printed
> 4x5 trimmed, and mounted that on another sheet of larger paper (tipped in)
> and then framed. I'm just wondering how many do something like that as
> opposed to contact printing the image on a larger sheet to begin with.
> I hope I'm being clear about this...thanks, all and hope y'all had a good
> turkey day!
> Paul